
Controllermate and contour shurttle pro
Controllermate and contour shurttle pro

controllermate and contour shurttle pro controllermate and contour shurttle pro

I'm starting to really get acquainted with the controller and my work workflows and editing style now and I'm actually contemplating starting to hack together a controller setup of my own to "bypass" some of the Resolve restrictions. They are focused on the big studios and the "little guys" are the poor cousin who isn't well catered for They are a hardware company first and "cripple" Resolve to push you down the path of buying their hardware They have a way they expect you to work and even though they could alter features to let you work a different way they keep the features so they work their way and make zero sense any other way On the other hand, BM are a very take-it-or-leave-it company: On the one hand, the power of the colour page is unquestionable and the sheer quantity of features in the other pages is undeniable. I have a love/annoyance relationship with Resolve and with BM. The Cut page seems to do rather odd things sometimes (maybe this will be fixed in future versions, but I'll believe it when I see it) The Speed Editor is designed for the Cut page, and while certain things work in the Edit page a lot (most?) functions don't work there, or don't work in the way you'd predict / want You tried Resolve before and it didn't take but in case of resolve we should be able to solve this kind of demands in a more elegant way.I'd suggest that you investigate controller options for FCPX. using keyboard event injection is a very unsatisfying and inefficient workaround, which should only be seen as a last resort, if no other kind of access is available. Yes - i also think, this kind of tasks have to be realized by proper means.


For windows the hopcontrol tool beeing developed by another forum member would be able to be used to build/do similar. You can see it in action on my site (see signature) in the beatstep videos. For fairlight i use reverse engineered HUI protocol messages to drive a smooth jog/shuttle action. Also it works only in edit,media page but not in color page unfortunately.

controllermate and contour shurttle pro


Not possible with controllermate or any basic macro program alone and works with own custom builld python code and open source libraries. Used it for 2 years as was all i had until i invested a few months time to build a proper solution for my 2 available custom controller kits, which is super smooth and a real jog shuttle feel at any speed. Usefull for frame by frame small actions. Very unsatisfactory with all solutions i have seen, which all use navigation via keyboard shortcuts mapped to the knob, which is horrible, specialy on anything faster then super slow. Glenn Venghaus wrote:But now its busted anyway. For windows the hopcontrol tool beeing developed by another forum member would be able to be used to build/do similar (excluding the failight part) For fairlight i use HUI protocol messages to drive a smooth jog/shuttle action.

controllermate and contour shurttle pro

Very unsatisfactory with all solutions i have seen (excluding my own), which all use navigation via keyboard shortcuts mapped to the knob, which is horrible, specialy on anything faster then super slow. Krishna Pada wrote:Let's see how the Jog-Shuttle performs. Anyway, just ignore me (unless you have similar issue of course) Įdit : theory based on earlier issues and diff between workstations and why i only get it on 1 setup is that it may be related to the BM thunderbolt mini monitor i am using for my hero display, which has proven to introduce some timing/delay/reponse issues with peripherals (usb devices, other thunderbolt devices etc) that changed over the resolve releases from 12.5 to 15. I actualy dont use any keyboard presses besides jkl in any of my programming (luckily i guess) so lets see if nothing else pops up. So far have not seen any other effects so fingers crossed.


It only happened (repeatable) on the latest release so i guess some timings/process priorities have slightly changed in favor of resolve possibly affecting mapping software etc. I had to adjust the timing/length of the single keypress (extend) for it to work again. Did some more testing and is is limited to one of my 3 workstations and seems only to be affecting keyboard presses generated by controllermate.

Controllermate and contour shurttle pro